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Daily Business Review profiled Beth Alcalde, Professional Development Partner, and Pedro Freyre, International Practice Chair and Equality and Inclusion Committee Chair, in its series featuring honorees of its 2020 Florida Legal Awards, which recognizes the positive work of Florida’s legal community. Alcalde was recognized in the Best Mentor category, while Freyre among this year’s Distinguished Leaders. 

Best Mentor: Akerman Partner Beth Alcalde Brings Enthusiasm, Empathy

Name a secret ingredient or two for effective mentoring. I am not sure if it’s a secret, but I think the two most important ingredients in effective mentoring are enthusiasm and empathy. Empathy is critical because you need to understand how your mentees views themselves in their organization, you, the work, and their goals and objectives for development. Enthusiasm is essential because it’s contagious. If I am excited about what we are doing, it makes a greater impact.

What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and why is it so valuable? In my experience, the most important leadership lesson is understanding that your decisions will not always be met with universal acclaim and it’s crucial to learn to get past any feelings of personal failure. But if you have applied thoughtful consideration in coming to a decision and that decision makes sense given the facts you have in front of you, you have to trust your judgment. 

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Distinguished Leader: Pedro Freyre

What is the one word people use to describe you? Passionate

What is your favorite thing about being in the legal profession? Working with smart, committed people who want to make a difference.

What is your No. 1 survival tip in a work crisis? Take a deep breath and put things in perspective. Reach out to your partners and team members; you don’t have to carry the whole burden by yourself.

What do you think you are better at than others? Not a lot, but I am an incurable optimist, and I enjoy what I do very much indeed. 

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