Seminars and Conferences

Co-Chair of Akerman’s Real Estate Financing Practice, Beau Baker will moderate a panel titled “Shuffling the Deck, Hot Strategies for Expanding the Capital Stack to Deliver Rescue Funding” at the CRE Financial Council (CREFC) After-Work Seminar. The panel conversation will focus on the current state of the commercial real estate market and expanding the capital stack.

Akerman is also a sponsor of the After-Work Seminar, which will feature discussion topics including:

  • Angel/Rescue Capital: How is it being used in today’s market and what are the best strategies from a legal and financial perspective?
  • Financing Vehicles: Mezzanine, Preferred Equity, Credit Lines and C-PACE will be explored as ways to increase the capital stack and help stabilize an asset
  • Lighting Round on Markets: Distressed market opportunities


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