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Despite more than 21 states legalizing adult-use marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Democratic and Republican lawmakers have reintroduced a bill, called the Preparing Regulators Effectively for a Post-Prohibition Adult Use Regulated Environment (PREPARE) Act, to set the basis for the legalization of adult-use marijuana at the federal level.

In a Forbes article titled, "U.S. Lawmakers File Bipartisan Bill To Prepare For Federal Marijuana Legalization," Cannabis Practice Chair Jonathan Robbins in the Fort Lauderdale office explained that the PREPARE Act differs from other federal bills aimed at regulating the marijuana industry as it does not have any immediate, tangible, or practical effects for the industry.

Robbins was quoted: "The proposed legislation is trying to position the federal government for the inevitable federal legalization of cannabis. While some may demand immediate relief, this bill could be a crucial first step towards passing legislation with the required support."

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