Press Release

Akerman LLP, a top 100 U.S. law firm serving clients across the Americas, represented Real Builders, an affiliate of Radson Development, Catholic Charities People of Progress Development Corporation, and Brownsville Partnership, in the land use and zoning for the Livonia4 redevelopment of four historically vacant City-owned sites in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York.

Once complete, Livonia4 will feature 500 new income-restricted housing units and a total of approximately 430,000 square feet across four mixed-use buildings. Livonia4 will have an emphasis on healthy living and programming will include a supermarket, rooftop greenhouse, and youth recreation center. Livonia4 is a significant component of the Brownsville Plan, a City-led community planning process that is expected to create over 2,500 new income-restricted homes and attract more than $1 billion of investment to the neighborhood.

Akerman served as land use counsel to secure the approval of the New York City Planning Commission and City Council. Livonia4 is the largest entirely affordable housing project to receive NYC land use approvals since Stevenson Commons in 2021, which Akerman also served as land use counsel. The development of Livonia4 will be phased over time and is expected to be complete by 2033.

Akerman lawyers involved in this deal include partners Jaclyn Scarinci and Steven Sinacori, and planner Michael Curley of the firm's Real Estate Practice Group in New York.

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