In The News

Immigration Planning and Compliance Chair Marisa Casablanca connected with Chief Executive of We Are Guernsey, Rupert Pleasant, leader of a global network of financial services firms, during the Financial Planning Association of Miami's International Symposium: Investment in U.S. Real Estate by Foreign Investors. After learning about Casablanca's involvement with The Great Learning Experience Day Care, a Miami-based charity that helps children with special needs, the We Are Guernsey executive donated 80 plush toys to the children of the organization. Casablanca explained in a We Are Guernsey blog how meaningful the donation is to the charity she is passionate about helping.

"This charity has turned these children’s lives around," Casablanca said. "These children would be placed in the back of the classroom and forgotten about in their school. I learned of a boy that was kept in the classroom with a helmet and always hitting the wall before she took him in. I met him and now he seems like any regular boy. It has really opened my eyes to what is important in life."

“Receiving these toys from Rupert was a wonderful feeling for them," she continued.

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